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Posted on 7 February 2020

Calico staff take time out to support #TimetoTalk Day

We place a huge emphasis on the importance of talking and maintaining your wellbeing, so to coincide with this year’s Time to Talk Day on February 6th, we welcomed back State of Mind Sport to Life Church in Burnley.

State of Mind Sport is a charity that use the power of sport, in particular Rugby League, to raise awareness of, and promote mental fitness, wellbeing and resilience and to tackle stigma.

But regardless of profession or situation, mental health impacts us all. 1 in 4 of us experience mental ill-health at some point in our lives, and we feel it’s vital that there is as much available support as possible.

We encourage everyone to be more open about mental health – to talk, to listen, to change lives. We know that talking about mental health can sometimes feel awkward, but it doesn’t have to.


To assist with this, we have a number of mental health first aiders as well 24/7 confidential support from LifeWorks.

For those not working for The Calico Group, there are numerous resources and services available to you at any time. Such as the Samaritans who are available to listen to your concerns regardless how big or small – call anytime on 116 123. You can also find out more about Time to Talk Day at

The work of State of Mind Sport also signposts to the support which is available, and ultimately aims to prevent suicide. You can read more about their work at

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