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Posted on 2 August 2019

Delphi Pavilion client continues recovery journey thanks to life-changing guitar donation

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A resident at Delphi Medical’s The Pavilion drug and alcohol treatment centre in Lancaster has been able to continue her recovery journey thanks to a generous donation of a guitar.

The young lady, who is receiving treatment for addiction, is a dedicated guitar player, and her talent and passion has been a tremendous help while she goes through rehabilitation.

However, her left-handed guitar was stolen from her and, being unable to play a standard right-handed guitar, she began to deeply struggle without it, and this had a big impact on her recovery journey.

Following a plea on social media from services across The Calico Group, a former client with the Horizon service delivered by Delphi Medical had generously donated a replacement guitar, stating that the support that he had received had helped save his life, so he wanted to help another.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=””][vc_column_text]Thanks to this generous donation, the resident is feeling much more at ease and is able to get back on track her recovery, focussing her energy and resources into playing her music.

Delivered by Delphi Medical, The Pavilion provides a safe and effective in-patient detox from both drugs and alcohol through medically assisted withdrawal.

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