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Posted on 4 March 2019

The Calico Group employee to dye hair purple for Epilepsy Action

A brave Calico Group employee is dying her hair purple to help raise money for Epilepsy Action, and to raise awareness of the condition.

Stephanie Holden , GDPR Assistant for The Calico Group, will undergo her hair colour transformation on Purple Day, a grassroots event held annually on March 26th to raise awareness around Epilepsy and to encourage support.

People are usually encouraged to wear purple clothing or bake purple cupcakes on Purple Day.

However, as this is a cause particularly close to her heart, Stephanie is determined to go one step further in her effort to support Epilepsy Action, a UK charity committed to creating a better life for everyone affected by Epilepsy.

Stephanie said:

“I have epilepsy and, for several months, I was unable to work, as I was having severe seizures almost every other day.

“It was thanks to the research carried out by organisations like Epilepsy Action that I was able to find the right medication to help keep me stable and get back into work.

“Dying my hair purple is quite a drastic move, but I hope it will have a positive effect, and will help support the research that is helping to make so many people like me live independent lives.”

To support Stephanie’s challenge, visit her JustGiving page to donate

For more information about the work Epilepsy Action carry out, visit

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