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Posted on 21 July 2015

Local Burnley Business scoops award at the UK’s Largest Diversity Awards

The Calico Group has been named winner of the Diverse Company Award at the National Diversity Awards 2015.

This achievement is a testament to the group and employees, highlighting their hard work and dedication to the equality agenda, after fighting off over 20,000 other nominations to be shortlisted.

One of the largest employers in Lancashire, The Calico Group’s workforce has grown from around 120 to 647 over the last five years. They provide a diverse range of services across a wide area of the North West, including but not limited to, Traditional social housing to over 4,500 families, Tenancy sustainment services to over 1000 vulnerable annually, Two Domestic Violence women’s refuges; helping 691 women last year, and a Homeless hostel supporting 125 people last year.

The winner was announced on Friday the 18th September 2015 at the Anglican Cathedral in Liverpool.

The award ceremony sponsored by Microsoft and The Guardian, gathered charities, role models and community heroes from across the UK to celebrate the outstanding achievements of those who have demonstrated their devotion to enhancing equality, diversity and inclusion in today’s society.

Irrespective of race, faith, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability and culture, the NDA’s highlight the country’s most inspirational and selfless people, and are supported by the likes of Brian Blessed, Adam Hills and Ade Adepitan.

The Calico Group fought off competition from ten organisations including the British Transport Police, Royal Navy, and Circle Housing, all vying for the prestigious award on the night.

Described by judges as “truly championing inclusion, Calico go beyond legislation and meet their moral duty to respond to the wider social diversity within communities and the areas in which they operate.”

Linda Watkin, Head of Business Improvement at The Calico Group said:

“Ensuring that we provide fair and equitable services that are accessible to all is a high priority.   We are serious about fulfilling the aims of our equality, diversity and inclusion agenda and this is something all parts of the business are working to achieve.”

“Winning this award is a testament to the efforts of all staff within the group”.

The National Diversity Awards is a significant occasion, giving people opportunities and a platform to spread a positive message.

Each year a different city across the UK is chosen to host the annual event, with previous ceremonies taking place in Manchester, Leeds and London.

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