Wednesday 8th March saw customers, staff and partner agencies come together to celebrate the achievements of those who have successfully engaged with the Pennine Re-connect programme, a partnership initiative of Calico Enterprise and Calico Homes, with funding from Burnley Borough Council and Clive Grunshaw, Lancashire’s Police and Crime Commissioner.
Pennine Re-connect works with clients who present significant offending and substance misuse histories, referred into the project via an accommodation panel. They may be homeless, on release from prison, have underlying substance misuse issues and still be subject to CRC and NPS supervision.
The celebration event allowed some of the clients to share their journeys, from where they were before Pennine Re-connect, and where they are now. All of the clients are now either in employment, volunteering, or attending college; all are sustaining tenancies and maintain their own homes.
Speaking for Pennine Re-connect, Calico’s Karen Henderson said:
“It was great to see our customers at the celebration event, sharing their stories, and showing us how far they have all come with the help of the service. They have all come so far; achieving major milestones with the help and support of their key worker and partner agencies.
I hope that the event has provided our commissioners and funders the opportunity to see the real impact this service has upon people’s lives, and how by investing in this crime reduction programme they are making a valuable contribution to the reduction of crime and anti-social behaviour in the local community.”
The Pennine Re-Connect project directly benefits the clients by enabling them to sustain non-offending lifestyles. They benefit from improved physical and mental health, with increased opportunities to find and sustain housing and employment. With the success of Pennine Re-connect, statutory agencies and local communities benefit from a noticeable reduction in the level of crime, re-offending and anti-social behaviour.
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Lancashire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Clive Grunshaw said:
“I am impressed with this innovative programme that is being delivered by Calico. It’s clear to see that good accommodation along with a great support system is key to addressing a reduction of crime, re-offending and anti-social behaviour.
This scheme doesn’t happen everywhere in Lancashire, but hopefully because of its effectiveness, this can be a model that can grow or could be replicated elsewhere to help the individuals willing to engage.
One of my key priorities is about tackling re-offending and this funding towards Pennine Re-connect will help turn people’s lives around and prevent them from re-entering the criminal justice system.”
Funding for the programme will cease at the end of September 2017, and Pennine Re-connect is looking to secure further funding to continue delivering the valuable and life changing service.
For more information on Pennine Re-connect please call 01282 686300.